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Based in Bridgend, South Wales, we have over 38 years of experience and are committed to helping you sell your car fast, in a safe and easy way, whilst providing the best possible customer experience. We will travel to you if it is within 30 miles or an hour's travel from Bridgend.
August 6, 2015, 9:25 am
Selling your car isn’t always as easy as handing over the keys in exchange for cash. There are lots of responsibilities that need to be legally handed over, changed or cancelled. But which party should be taking responsibility?
Unless explicitly stated before the sale, the party who is selling the car is responsible for notifying the DVLA and other organisations. If you’re part-exchanging, or selling to a dealership or car buying service then they may notify the DVLA on your behalf. In this situation it is essential that you ensure the vehicle has been transferred out of your name.
During a private sale, the responsibility entirely rests upon you and it is imperative that this is done immediately upon sale of the vehicle. Failure to do this can lead to the car not properly being transferred to the new owner, which could result in you being held accountable for their actions in the vehicle. This can lead to a long and tedious legal battle that could even result in you having to go to court.
This is a straightforward process that is done simply by filling in the V5C document under the section “notification of sale or transfer”.
From this point it then becomes the buyer’s responsibility to provide the DVLA with their details. This is done by filling in section 6 “new keeper or new name/ new address”. This section of the V5C then needs to be torn out and sent to the DVLA, while the other half of the document should be given to the buyer of the vehicle.
Both you and the new owner will need to sign the declaration in section 8, confirming the sale and checking that all of the details are correct.
When the DVLA has been notified of the change of ownership they will send you a letter that will confirm that you are no longer liable for the vehicle. This typically comes through a month after the letter is sent.
Once the DVLA has been notified, your responsibilities are as follows:
At Cashpoint4Cars we aim to make selling your car as easy as possible. We do this by handling every possible aspect of the transaction, including taking over any finance and dealing with the DVLA. If you’re looking for a great price on your car but can’t be bothered with the hassle of selling your car privately then talk to Cashpoint4Cars today.
Our friendly buying service gives you a competitive price for your car and unlike other services we can come out to you, meaning that you don’t have to go out of your way to sell your car.
Image: comedy_nose
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